Travis Barker, a renowned musician and father of four, along with his wife, Courtney Kardashian, celebrated the arrival of their first child, a son named Rocky, in November. The couple, known for their public displays of affection, recently marked Mother’s Day in a heartwarming manner.
The social media tribute featured several endearing snapshots of Courtney bonding with baby Rocky, capturing intimate moments of cuddles and affection. Travis spared no effort in showering his wife with tokens of appreciation, presenting her with lavish bouquets of white and pink roses. Additionally, he orchestrated a romantic movie night under the stars, adding a touch of magic to their celebration.
This affectionate gesture was not lost on Courtney’s children from previous relationships. Travis’s son, Landon, 20, took to social media to express his gratitude, thanking Courtney for her kindness and warmth towards him.
Travis, a doting father, has a blended family, including his children Landon and Alabama from a previous marriage, as well as his stepdaughter Atiana De La Hoya. Similarly, Courtney shares three children with her ex-partner Scott Disick, making their household a bustling blend of love and kinship.
Beyond the public displays of affection, insiders revealed Travis’s unwavering support for Courtney during her pregnancy and postpartum period. Described as “obsessed” with their newborn son, Travis ensured Courtney’s comfort by attending to her needs, even bringing her favorite healthy foods during her hospital stay.
Overall, Travis Barker and Courtney Kardashian’s Mother’s Day celebration serves as a testament to their enduring love and commitment to their growing family. Amidst their busy lives, they continue to prioritize moments of tenderness and appreciation, creating a nurturing environment for their children and fostering a bond that transcends fame and public scrutiny.