Will Gerard Butler return for a 4th installment of the action saga “The Fall of…”? We are trying to answer this thorny question!
Between 2013 and 2019, Gerard Butler delighted action film fans with a muscular trilogy: The Fall of the White House , The Fall of London and The Fall of the President .
After $500 million in worldwide revenue, will the franchise return to the big screen?
Mike Banning retired?
After providing assistance to American President Allan Trumbull ( Morgan Freeman ), in the last episode, did agent Mike Banning retire?
In December 2020, Deadline announced that a new adventure from this super-agent would soon see the light of day. Entitled Night Has Fallen, this 4th film was to be directed by Ric Roman Waugh , already author of The Fall of the President.
4 years later, it is clear that this sequel has never seen the light of day. This could partly be explained by the conflict between Gerard Butler and producers Nu Image, Millennium Films and Padre Nuestro Productions.
In August 2021, the actor demanded $10 million from the studios, accusing them of fraud and breach of contract.
“The producers have made tens of millions of dollars from Downfall, but refuse to pay Butler a dime of the profits promised to him in the parties’ agreement.
The producers have engaged in a scheme designed to grossly misrepresent the finances of the film, so that Butler would believe that none of these payments were due ,” specifies the complaint, relayed by Variety in July 2021.
Gerard Butler dragon slayer
Since this conflict, which dates back more than two years, we have had no further news. We can therefore deduce that Night Has Fallen was put in a drawer on the production side.
After The Fall of the President, Ric Roman Waugh reunited with Gerard Butler in 2020 for Greenland . It seems that the two men have decided to focus on the sequel to this action film, entitled Greenland Migration , currently in pre-production.
For the moment, Gerard Butler has started filming Dragons , the live-action adaptation of the animated film saga. He will reprise his role as the Viking Stoik, performed vocally in the animated trilogy.
Dragons is one of the many projects in the portfolio of Gerard Butler, who will be very busy in the coming years ( In The Hand of Dante , Criminal Squad 2 , Remote Control , Just Watch Me ). In the meantime, you can find Gerard Butler in Kandahar on Prime Video or in Mayday on MyCanal.
Kassovitz is the new Gerard Butler
Furthermore, a series derived from the saga will soon see the light of day, led by Mathieu Kassovitz . It will be called The Fall of Paris . On the writing side, Howard Overman , the creator of the acclaimed Misfits , will handle the scripts, while Oded Ruskin ( False Flag ) will direct. The series will be broadcast in France on Canal+.
In Paris Has Fallen, Mathieu Kassovitz will slip into the shoes of Vincent, an agent responsible for protecting a French minister, who is the target of a terrorist group led by Jacob. Vincent works with MI6 agent Zara to ensure the politician’s safety.
But they will very quickly end up finding themselves at the heart of a conspiracy much larger than they imagine. They suspect one of their colleagues in the security service of passing information to Jacob, who always manages to be one step ahead in his quest to bring down Paris.