Reacher and his unit liberate millions of dollars from criminal hands in the season 2 finale, and the main character distributes it as he sees fit.
Reacher distributes the Little Wing money to those in need, demonstrating his logical and compassionate nature.
He ensures that the families of fallen comrades, as well as his own friends, are financially taken care of.
Despite his frugal nature, Reacher splurges on a bus pass, symbolizing the freedom he values more than material possessions.
Warning: This article contains spoilers for Reacher season 2, including the finale.The Reacher season 2 finale had a bittersweet ending, with the title character distributing his ill-gotten gains as he deemed fit. After the explosive final battle between Reacher‘s unit and Shane Langston’s forces, the surviving members of the 110th still had some loose ends to tie up.
Once they’d prevented the arms deal that would have caused further bloodshed, Reacher found himself as the guardian of $65 million. Nominated by the others, the leader of the 110th Special Investigators Unit is tasked with deciding on how the cash should be used.
Reacher is notoriously self-sufficient when it comes to money, drifting by on nothing but his military pension and lacking in expensive tastes. This is one of the reasons why he’s entrusted to be in charge of the money in the Reacher season 2 ending.
As someone without material desires (aside from a new toothbrush now and again), Alan Ritchson’s character is best suited to making the financial decisions, with the rest of the 110th feeling too biased. As such, Reacher spreads the wealth logically and compassionately, leaving nothing left over going into Reacher season 3.
9. Reacher Sent A Cheque To The Widow And Young Son Of Calvin Franz
Franz is the first on-screen death of Reacher season 2
The very beginning of Reacher season 2, episode 1, “ATM,” shows Franz plummeting to his death from Langston’s chopper.
Other than this scene, Franz is only shown during the flashback scenes – for obvious reasons. The 110th weren’t the only ones saddened by their squadmate’s demise. Sadly, Calvin Franz’s death meant leaving behind a wife and child.
Angela and Mikey Franz come home during the closing montage of Reacher season 2, episode 8, “Fly Boy” to find a cheque for what is presumably a huge sum of money in their mailbox.
Although the money has come from Reacher, it’s unclear how much they receive. Based on the other amounts given by Reacher, Angela and Mikey Franz are likely to be millions of dollars better off.
8. Gaitano “Guy” Russo’s Nephews Benefitted From The Little Wing Money
Reacher rewarded the relatives of a fallen cop
There are corrupt cops in Reacher season 2, but Russo turns out to be one of the good guys. After a bumpy start, Russo and Reacher eventually develop a mutual respect for one another, which makes Russo’s death one of the more emotional ones of the season.
Although Russo himself would likely have rejected any cash thrust upon him had he survived, Reacher leaves millions of dollars to the children of Anthony Russo, the late officer’s brother. Anthony is shown on the phone to the bank demanding to know where the money came from, but getting no answers.
7. Jorge Sanchez’s Girlfriend Also Received Some Money
Milena wasted no time spending her new-found fortune
There are a lot of new characters introduced in Reacher season 2, so it can be easy to forget some of the faces who haven’t featured much. Sanchez is one of the lesser-shown members of the 110th, and his girlfriend is left wondering where he is when Reacher’s unit visits her in season 2, episode 1, “What Happens in Atlantic City.”
To soften the blow of her boyfriend’s death, Milena also experiences a cash injection in the finale. From what’s shown, she looks to have quit her job and is bidding her farewell before leaving in style behind the wheel of a shiny new Audi R8.
6. Reacher Makes Sure That Manuel Orozco’s Sister Is Looked After
Her grief looks like too much to overcome with money alone
Orozco is another member of the 110th who doesn’t appear much in Reacher season 2. However, that doesn’t mean he didn’t have a close bond with the other Special Investigators. Reacher pays a visit to Orozco’s sister at some point, to leave her a box full of cash in memory of her brother.
This part of the montage doesn’t have the same impact as the others, largely because Orozco was such a minor character, and his sister isn’t even named in the credits. However, she does look the most upset out of the characters shown.
5. Tony Swan’s Cut Of The Money Went To A Worthy Cause
The donation was inspired by the death of Swan’s dog
Tony Swan seemingly left no one behind that Reacher thought seemed in need of wads of cash. Even Swan’s dog, Maise, is shown to have died earlier in the season.
As a result, Reacher reaffirms his love of dogs first shown in Reacher season 1 by allotting the fortune that would have gone to Swan’s relatives to an animal shelter instead.
The sizeable donation is made in Tony and Maisie’s names. Considering the brutal nature of what happened to Swan in the Reacher season 2 finale, the fallout is incredibly wholesome by comparison.
4. Neagley’s Father Receives The Care He Needs
Mr. Neagley looks elated in the Reacher season 2 finale
Neagley’s biological family isn’t mentioned much in Reacher, with the 110th serving the same role as her flesh and blood relatives. However, Reacher makes sure that his friend’s father receives, “Around-the-clock medical care” as part of his carefully selected financial contributions.
Not only will Mr. Neagley be looked after for as long as he needs, but Reacher also tells Neagley that there will be money left over for her too when he eventually passes away.
3. David O’Donnell’s Kids Have A Bright Future Ahead Of Them
The generous grant comes from “The world’s scariest Santa Claus”
After teasing O’Donnell and telling him, “I didn’t give you a penny,” Reacher eventually reveals that he invested heavily in the future of O’Donnell’s children. As a result, they’ll be able to attend the best schools when they’re ready.
The act of thoughtfulness and generosity renders the charismatic and talkative member of the 110th speechless. The donation frees up O’Donnell’s finances, meaning it’s his choice whether he wants to continue working. Or, in Reacher’s words: “Now you’ll only have to take the sleazy-adjacent jobs you wanna take.”
In the Lee Child Reacher books, O’Donnell is a bachelor with no kids.
2. Karla Dixon Is Afforded A Fresh Start
Reacher starts a company in the name of his season 2 love interest
Reacher has nothing but compliments and praise for many members of the 110th throughout season 2, but no more so than Karla Dixon. After making up for lost time on their unrequited feelings, the pair become closer than ever.
However, due to Reacher’s very nature, they inevitably have to part ways. Reacher leaves Dixon the parting gift of a registered company in her name, telling her, “You’re too smart to be working for anyone for yourself.”
1. Reacher Is Strongarmed Into Buying Something For Himself
He originally claims to only need a new toothbrush
Reacher is a very frugal man, and not because he doesn’t like spending money. Instead, his needs are simple, and he doesn’t see the appeal of frivolous purchases. When he’s asked by the 110th how he plans to reward himself for their work, he simply states that he needs a new toothbrush.
His unit briefly smiles before realizing their former commanding officer is being deadly serious. Dixon prevents Reacher from shortchanging himself by buying him the toothbrush herself, telling him that he should buy himself something more substantial.
Reacher eventually acquiesces, and splashes out almost $2,000 on a Trailways pass, allowing him unlimited bus travel for a whole year. For Reacher, this is an extremely extravagant purchase, but one that Neagley still thinks is insufficient.
Reacher meets Neagley’s skepticism with, “That’s $1,980 of freedom.” So, although Ritchson’s character does the bulk of the heavy lifting in Reacher season 2, he spends the least on himself.