Fans Say This Is The Secret To Nicolas Cage’s Success, Hollywood’s most eccentric personality

Nicolas Cage has a unique subset of passionate fans, and they say they love him for one main reason.


Nicolas Cage is an interesting character. Onlookers (let’s not get too hasty in labeling anyone a “fan”) enjoy picking apart his multiple marriages, his bizarre films, and all of the missteps he’s made that have ostensibly cost him millions.

But people who self-identify as fans of at least some of Nicolas’ work say that there’s a specific reason for his success. There may indeed be a method to Nicolas Cage’s madness!

Is Nicolas Cage Still Successful Now?

There’s somewhat of a question as to whether Nic Cage is still a hit these days. His work has slowed to a trickle, and some say he’s basically left Hollywood, and for some specific reasons.

And yet, there are still fans who are supremely dedicated to spreading the good Nic Cage word. Tons of people still watch Cage’s movies, including the direct-to-VHS ones (albeit, they’ve upgraded to DVD by now).

So, Nicolas Cage is, arguably, still successful. Especially since he’s worth somewhere around $25 million.

Why Is Nicolas Cage So Successful?

With his collection of offbeat film projects and sometimes cringey characters, some might say that Nicolas Cage isn’t very successful. But although his films aren’t blockbusters, they do garner enough of a following to keep him employed. So how does he do it?

Fans have some ideas, and it seems like they’re onto something.

First off, even the most rabid Nic Cage fan can admit that a lot of his films are terrible. And yet, they point out, “Cage is far more intelligent and creative than he is given credit for.” Their reasoning is that Nicolas knows what he’s doing when he signs on for films that might seem subpar.

Knows what he’s doing in terms of, he gives each role the creativity and passion he feels it deserves (which seems to be a lot). Essentially, “he might be in hot garbage often but he gives 100% to that hot garbage,” say fans.

Isn’t dedication one of the major qualities of superstar actors? Fans say Nic has it in spades.

Another fan admits that they used to be “indifferent” about Cage, but that now, they “love that he fully embraces each movie and isn’t “embarrassed” to really perform.”

What Do Other Actors Think Of Nicolas Cage?

So maybe he doesn’t run in the traditional celebrity circles. But at the end of the day, even if Nicolas Cage’s films are absolutely nuts, he still delivers a fitting performance for each one. And fans say the few awards he has won are well-deserved. And ultimately, a quote from a fellow actor (only Ethan Hawke, mind you) sums it up perfectly.

In an AMA, Ethan said, “He’s the only actor since Marlon Brando that’s actually done anything new with the art of acting; he’s successfully taken us away from an obsession with naturalism into a kind of presentation style of acting.”

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