Gerard Butler feared he’d ki.l.led Morgan Freeman in terrifying action movie stunt

The Scottish actor stars alongside Hollywood veteran Morgan Freeman in action thriller Angel Has Fallen

At 82, you might expect Morgan Freeman to rely on a stunt double.

But co-star Gerard Butler says he did “more stunts and action than he’s done in his whole life” for new film Angel Has Fallen.

Gerard, 49, even feared he’d killed Morgan in their most perilous scenes – including one where he forces his head underwater.

“It was three or four solid days of action,” says Gerard.

Gerard Butler and Morgan Freeman star in action movie Angel has Fallen

“He dives off a boat, then I have to push him underwater, and we run in and out of cars.

“I was going, ‘Please, don’t kill Morgan’. I almost killed Hilary Swank on PS I Love You. I’m very capable of killing other actors – not deliberately, just because I’m an idiot.”

In that incident, Gerard’s trouser braces snapped Hilary so hard in the face she needed stitches, halting production.

Speaking of being an idiot, Gerard also reveals he once had a brush with James Bond, turning up at the wrong set and strolling past security while cheerfully greeting strangers.

Gerard said he’s ‘very capable of killing other actors – not deliberately, just because I’m an idiot’ (Image: Getty)

He told Build LDN: “Barbara ­Broccoli, the producer, got in touch saying, ‘Oh yeah? Hijacking my set?’. It was quite embarrassing.”

Meanwhile earlier this year, Morgan Freeman has been blamed for the death of his granddaughter after he was accused of sexually abusing her when she was younger, a court heard.

In an emotional sentencing of Lamar Davenport, who was found guilty of killing E’Dena Hines, the convicted man’s mother made the shocking allegation against the Hollywood star.

Morgan could have used a stunt double (Image: Getty)

“Morgan Freeman molested her and he caused this.

He did this,” Davenport’s mum screamed as she was ushered out of court in New York.  “He’s innocent. It was an accident.’ she added, referring to her son.

Before and during Davenport’s trial in May last year, allegations were made that Freeman was involved in a romantic relationship with step-granddaughter Hines.

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