Gerard Butler’s action movies epitomize the “dad movie.”
While a dad movie can fall within any genre, there are a few key characteristics that make a dad movie a Dad Movie.
Accessible to dads and non-dads alike, a dad movie is for anyone who enjoys procedural elements, some kind of moral grounding and a compelling hero. Although the ‘dad movie’ designation has been used to pigeon-hole films, the truth is, like any other artistic discipline, dad movies encompass all levels of quality, craftsmanship and intrigue.
No actor perfectly represents the highs and lows of what modern dad films have to offer more so than Gerard Butler. From his breakout role in 300 to his more low-key modern work like Greenland, Butler commits to every role he steps into and is on the verge of becoming a genre unto himself.
10. ‘Gods of Egypt’ (2016)
Rotten Tomatoes score: 15%
Few things say ‘dad movie’ more than a swords and sandals epic, even if it is terrible. So much about Alex Proyas‘ Gods of Egypt is confounding. The plot is unwieldy, the casting of white actors as Egyptians is deeply weird and the choice to have the god characters tower over the humans by at least a foot makes sense in theory, but conjures an uncanny valley among viewers in practice.
Despite all the mysterious mess of Gods of Egypt, there is a bright spark. Among the many cardboard performances from actors struggling to emote while presumably surrounded by green screen, stands Gerard Butler. Eight feet tall and injecting charm, life and some much-needed charisma into what could have otherwise been a thankless and forgettable role as Set, the film’s villain.
9. ‘Geostorm’ (2017)
Rotten Tomatoes score: 17%
Jake Lawson (Butler) is a scientist responsible for creating ‘Dutch Boy’: a sophisticated system of satellites that work to keep extreme weather events subdued and ensure the earth remains livable.
Years after the launch of the program, Dutch Boy begins to malfunction, and extreme weather events are on the rise. Lawson, since disgraced and removed from the program, is the only one with the skills to fix Dutch Boy and save the world from a Geostorm.
Geostorm is an ode to the high-concept, high-octane disaster films of the 90s. Clumsily reckoning with themes of climate change, environmental responsibility and the primal human fear of Mother Nature, Geostorm was far from a critical home run. Regardless of the critical reception to the film, Geostorm is exactly as silly and action-packed as its premise promises.
8. ‘Law Abiding Citizen’ (2009)
Rotten Tomatoes score: 26%
After the men convicted of killing his wife and daughter escape with plea deals and unjust sentences, bereaved widower Clyde Shelton (Butler) takes the law into his own hands and uses the red tape and bureaucracy of the legal system against itself.
Law Abiding Citizen is an interesting beast to tackle. What it has to say about the legal system and the plight of the ‘little guy’ has merit, but the film very quickly loses the moral high ground in favor of telling a cooler story.
Moral gray areas aside, Law Abiding Citizen is an incredible stew of dad movie staples. Part revenge epic, part courtroom drama, and part action thriller, F Gary Gray‘s film has something to scratch every itch of the dad movie lover, and then some.
7. ‘Hunter Killer’ (2018)
Rotten Tomatoes score: 37%
American submarine Captain Joe Glass (Butler) and a group of Navy SEALs undergo a mission to rescue the President of Russia from rogue kidnappers. Military films need to walk a fine line to succeed.
Balancing real-world geopolitical concerns, appearing accurate and technical without being incomprehensible to viewers, and giving viewers a sympathetic cause to cheer for are all challenges within this genre.
Hunter Killer is certainly not an icon of the genre, yet its care in an accurate and engaging portrayal of submarine warfare and the magnetic performance from Butler makes this a worthy addition to the watchlist of any dad movie connoisseur.
6. ‘Angel Has Fallen’ (2019)
Rotten Tomatoes score: 39%
When the President is attacked and Secret Service Agent Mike Banning (Butler) is framed, he must go on the run and find help in unlikely places to clear his name. The third film in the series stands in stark contrast to the two that came before.
Olympus Has Fallen functioned as a ‘Die Hard but in the White House’ action romp. The sequel, London Has Fallen, bit off much more than it could chew in terms of the geopolitics of the Middle East, and frequently flirted with racism in its dialogue and characterizations.
Angel Has Fallen, however, is more serious and self-reflective than the first film, and less concerned with foreign politics than the second. It instead confronts the enemies within; domestic and personal.
This film is an interesting role for Butler, and one that draws comparisons between the grueling life of a Secret Service Agent, and the physically demanding and injury-filled experiences of an action star.
5. ‘Den of Thieves’ (2018)
Rotten Tomatoes score: 41%
Detective ‘Big Nick’ O’Brien (Butler) and his elite unit of LA County Sheriff’s Deputies specialize in catching the most notorious bank robbers LA has to offer. Ray Merrimen (Pablo Schreiber) and his skilled crew of thieves specialize in robbing banks and getting away with it.
Exploring a grimy world of sleazy criminals and even sleazier cops, Den of Thieves is miles better than it has any right to be. Satisfying heist mechanics, electric action scenes and a charismatic and seriously slimy performance from Butler all add up to a fun and watchable action movie.
4. ‘300’ (2006)
Rotten Tomatoes score: 61%
300 retells the legend of the Battle of Thermopylae in the Greco-Persian Wars in the style of the Frank Miller graphic novel it was based on. As King Xerxes (Rodrigo Santoro) and his Persian army march towards the Greek city of Sparta, intent on conquering it, King Leonidas (Butler) gathers an army of 300 Spartan warriors to defend their homeland.
Known for its unique and iconic visual look, 300 launched the career of director Zack Snyder into a new level and cemented Gerard Butler as an action star. Combining historic battles with ancient mythology, noble warriors and groundbreaking action, 300 is catnip for the dad movie lover.
3. ‘Plane’ (2023)
Rotten Tomatoes score: 77%
Pilot Brodie Torrence (Butler) has to make an emergency landing when lightning strikes his commercial flight. On top of this, Captain Torrence also has to contend with a dangerous situation on the ground upon landing, and a handcuffed prisoner (Mike Colter) who was being transported on the flight.
The aptly titled Planeis a 50/50 split between a gripping and detailed episode of Air Crash Investigations and a sticky, sweaty guerilla warfare thriller.
Tense, original and grounded by a great supporting cast, including Daniella Pineda and Yoson An, who play Flight Attended Bonnie and Co-Pilot Samuel, Plane offers so much more than its literal and uninspired title would suggest. These factors, plus the stellar chemistry between Butler and Colter, elevate Plane into top-tier dad movie territory.
2. ‘Greenland’ (2020)
Rotten Tomatoes score: 78%
John Garrity (Butler) is a structural engineer living in Atlanta with his wife Allison (Morena Baccarin) and their son (Roger Dale Floyd).
As a comet approaches the earth and chaos and panic begin to rise, John receives an alert to say that due to his vital engineering skills, he and his family have been chosen to shelter in safety to survive the end of the world.
Greenland has a very practical and chilling view of a possible apocalypse. The utilitarian criteria that determine who will and won’t have a chance to survive the annihilation of all life on earth is logical and dispassionate.
These procedural elements secure Greenland a top-level spot among Butler’s canon of dad movies. While Butler is relatable and magnetic as usual, Morena Baccarin is also given a chance to shine as Allison, a fully formed character with her own goals and struggles.
1. ‘Copshop’ (2021)
Rotten Tomatoes score: 82%
Rookie cop Valerie Young (Alexis Louder) is working the night shift at her small-town police department when two men are each locked up for various drunk and disorderly antics. Unfortunately for Valerie, one of these men is a con artist with a bounty on his head (Frank Grillo), and the other is a hitman hoping to collect (Butler).
Copshopis as close to perfect as an action movie or dad movie can get. Breakout star Alexis Louder is an absolute standout and her chemistry with Butler and Grillo is undeniable.
Set mostly in one location, Copshop is witty, thrilling, tense and unlike much else modern action cinema has to offer. It is also representative of just how much of a groove Gerard Butler has found in his work, and how essential and important he is as a performer.