John Wick is probably a name that is not too strange to movie fans. Even those who have never seen John Wick have heard the story of the “boogeyman’s dog”.
In terms of expertise, the film has many outstanding points that make it one of the best assassin films of the modern period. From the context, character building, techniques, and eye-catching martial arts.
But there is one very interesting thing about the world of assassins in the movie that everyone wants to learn about.
That is The Continental hotel and the mysterious mafia organization. Will in the upcoming part 3, this mafia organization will be an important turning point after being “teased” very well in parts 1 and 2?
Mysteries surrounding the mysterious hotel The Continental
Appearing right in part one, The Continental hotel is described as a common “home” for assassins around the world. This place is like an international 5-star standard hotel with all amenities and services. In particular, there is a separate currency here that can only be “circulated internally”. The assassins here will earn those gold coins by performing missions and taking the heads that are “hanging” on the flea market.
Image of The Continental hotel in John Wick .
The Continental is a hotel built in a classic European style. Located right at the crossroads, a very beautiful location. To own such a wonderful hotel, its owner must also be a prominent figure in the “gangster” world.
The mysteries surrounding The Continental are kept tightly under wraps. Even though the movie has gone through two parts, all viewers see in The Continental is just that
Questions are constantly being asked: “Who is its boss? Are its owners related to the government? Who are the characters that have appeared in the hotel? What role do they play? And perhaps the most interesting mystery that the author has hidden very carefully in both parts is John Wick’s past with The Continental.
It’s easy to see everyone bowing their heads in respect when meeting John Wick in the hotel. We only see John Wick’s position there, but we never know what he did to be able to stand in such a position in the past. Hopefully in part 3, we will return to John Wick’s youthful moments, where he roamed like a bloodthirsty monster.
The connection between the Mafia gang that “bosses” the assassin world and The Continental
The Continental Hotel with the mysteries of assassins.
And of course, to be able to “harbour” such famous names, the homeowner must establish some special rules, and they must be followed most seriously. One of those rules that we can easily see in parts 1 and 2 is: no killing within the hotel premises.
It’s like an “ice prison” used to cool down hot heads. That’s right, that’s the first rule and there are no exceptions. It wasn’t until the end of part 2 that we saw someone who dared to break the rules for the first time, and it was none other than John Wick. Immediately after that, he suffered punishment from the mysterious Mafia organization. A punishment has pushed John Wick into a “thousand-hanging” position.
What’s special is that this Mafia organization also has underground services that sneak into The Continental hotel. These include: The Sommelier (weapons provider), The Tailor (clothing provider), The Cartographer (Map guide), The Accountants (Accountant), The Cleaner (Clean up the “endgame” ”), The Soupkitchen (the “state” of the association, eyes and ears everywhere). These people are responsible for each individual task, but they all have a common goal, which is to help assassins complete their tasks to the fullest.
The Sommelier service (weapons supply) in the hotel.
This Mafia organization is held and operated by 12 leaders around the world. One of them appeared and died soon after, that person was the Santino sisters. It is known that each person in this group has the right to operate in each separate area. Is it possible that in part 3 we will meet the top bosses of the assassin world in John Wick?
Will in part 3, John Wick will confront the boss of the Mafia organization?
Will in part 3, John Wick will confront the boss of the Mafia organization?
Part 2 ends with an extremely adventurous scene. That is the scene where John Wick is walking through the hungry eyes of cold-blooded assassins. These guys have always been looking for opportunities to eliminate him from the organization.
That alone is enough to raise countless questions for the audience. Is it simple that John Wick will confront those assassins? Or is this a conspiracy theory of the Mafia gang itself, established to purge John Wick, the most dangerous person in the organization, and also the one who killed one of the leaders.
We don’t know how John Wick will deal with the next battle, but one thing is certain: Part 3 will be much more epic. It can be said that as time goes on, the director shows the true personality of John Wick.
In other words, the series is like the director’s way of retelling a tiger’s return to the forest. If you want to be the lord of the jungle, you have to go through fierce battles. Is the upcoming part 3 going to be an overthrow of John Wick and the Mafia bosses?