“They’re not huge fans of mine”: Zack Snyder Wants to Make ‘Religious P-rno’ After WB Turned Down His 300 Trilogy Depicting an Untold Gay Romance

And for his next act, Zack Snyder will commit blasphemy.

From a dark and somber Superman to s*xually charged Spartan warriors, the Justice League director has dipped his toes in numerous unorthodox film adaptations.

Zack Snyder Wants to Make ‘Religious P-rno’ After WB Turned Down His 300 Trilogy Depicting an Untold Gay Romance

So, for him to want to amalgamate religion and p*rn in a movie isn’t the most perplexing idea that he might’ve had. But it sure seems to be his craziest one yet.

Zack Snyder

Zack Snyder

Zack Snyder’s Bewildering Vision for A ‘Religious P*rno’ 

The obvious and rather alarming dichotomy between religion and pornography certainly didn’t deter Zack Snyder from wanting to pool the two genres together in a new project.

A couple of years ago, the 57-year-old filmmaker told The Telegraph how he’d always envisioned making a movie based on either of the aforementioned themes but never got the chance to act on it.

In fact, he’d even considered bringing the polar opposite concepts in the same movie, and perhaps his historical action outing, 300, did symbolize something akin to his wild idea. But still, it’s no religious p*rno.


300 (2006)

“I’ve always wanted to make a religious film and a p-rnographic film, and I’ve never really yet had the chance to do either. Maybe if I could combine the two — or maybe ‘300’ is that film, in some sense, a little bit. Or at least a primer for what that film could be.”

Even so, the 2006 war film was still as erotic as a historical epic could possibly get. And perhaps Warner Bros. found it easier to digest the first film and its 2014 sequel because when Snyder voiced his vision for a potential threequel, the studio instantly ended up shelving it instead.

WB Killed Off the Idea of A ‘300’ Trilogy 

Loosely based on Frank Miller and Lynn Varley’s 1998 comic series of the same name, 300 starred the likes of Gerard Butler, Michael Fassbender, Rodrigo Santoro, and Lena Headey.

Imbibed with gore, stylized violence, and unprecedented s*xual scenes paired with nudity (especially for a movie sold as a war-action epic), 300, was by no means an effortless hit; It left critics and audiences divided and even fetched quite a lot of controversy. Meanwhile, 300: Rise of an Empire performed even worse than its predecessor that at least had a strong box office reception.

But even after all that, Snyder still had big plans to turn it into a trilogy and even had a running title ready for the third film, Blood and Ashes.

For the threequel, the Army of the Dead director wanted to materialize an unconventional but grand homosexual romance between the king of Macedonia, Alexander the Great, and Hephaestion, a nobleman and trusted general who served in the former’s army. WB, however, wasn’t all too thrilled about the idea.

300 sequel

300: Rise of an Empire (2014)

“There was that concept, and it came out really great. It’s called ‘Blood and Ashes,’ and it’s a beautiful love story, really, with warfare. I would love to do it, [WB] said no…you know, they’re not huge fans of mine. It is what it is.”

If they weren’t on board with the idea of a gay romance, lord only knows how Snyder was planning on convincing the studio for a ‘religious p*rno.’

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