Christmas, ‘Home Alone’ with Macaulay Culkin

 The message from a Christmas movie seems to tell viewers: look around, are any of your loved ones “alone”, rejected, condemned, or isolated in government? my family like Kevin?

It wasn’t until Christmas last year that I had the opportunity to re-watch Home Alone (1990) both part one and part two Lost in New York (Lost in New York, 1992) with my children. 

Children around my age at that time laughed heartily, at the same time, they rarely saw the hidden message of the film that seemed to be just a humorous work.

Home Alone is a scary title for every child, evoking terrifying childhood “memories”: being left alone, getting lost, or being thrown into the toilet, closet… At that time, you can easily listen seeing strange noises, being afraid to look into dark corners, but also “allowing” us to do things that would normally be prevented by adults.

For example, Kevin, the main character played by Macaulay Culkin, when alone in the middle of a vast house, enjoyed watching TV until late, ate all the ice cream in the refrigerator and dared to sleep in his parents’ bed.

Christmas was born, 'O home for a living' by Macaulay Culkin

From the beginning, the fictional world of John Hughes (script author) tried to create “difficult” situations, originating from the boy’s family in the suburbs of Chicago (USA).

 How do you think a Christmas vacation is planned to go to Paris or New York, but the whole family can “forget” an eight-year-old child? And then, the “hero” boy still dared to face the situation of being abandoned and fight the bad guys alone.

The scenes that made the audience laugh were Kevin’s dealings with two thieves (played by Joe Pesci, played by Daniel Stern) who wanted to break into the house.

 Classic Native American traps that any eight-year-old could hardly pull off, without a budget of tens of thousands of dollars and the help of special effects, were satisfying. label the viewer just like watching a cartoon.

However, Home Alone or Lost in New York are not just images but all rationality and logic in the real world disappear, in order to make people laugh. 

The story by the natural acting talent of Macaulay Culkin (then only ten years old) still hides the core meaning of Christmas.

Hyperactive boy Kevin often behaves badly. And every time he is punished, he has one wish: everyone in the house should disappear! “Miraculously”, his wish came true. 

Experiencing challenges alone, the boy realized that family is the most valuable asset a person can have.

 We are always reminded of that with the most splendid symbol of Christmas always being the crib, in which there is a family consisting of father, mother and baby.

Sitting and watching the movie after more than a quarter of a century, looking at the children laughing, I realized that the main character seemed lonely not only when his family left him. 

Kevin is always lonely. He was forever alone in the middle of… his family, rejected, with no one to share with, no one to give him the happiness of interaction, even though he had all his siblings, a beautiful mother and a father who made a lot of money.

Christmas was born, 'O home for a living' by Macaulay Culkin

Looking back, Kevin always has to cope with the ridicule of his siblings, while his parents are always busy.

 And to get attention, the boy had only one way to resist the bullying of his insolent brother. But in most cases, parents did not take Kevin’s side.

Until the boy was left alone, director Chris Columbus showed the audience a child who is always open for friendship, easily adapts to unexpected situations, and openly speaks of his thoughts and feelings. yourself, willing to help, and respectful of others.

And Kevin has the ability to get along with strangers perfectly, like the toy store owner – the old man nicknamed “the Snow Shovel killer”, or the homeless woman at the park. 

In this character line, now if you re-watch part two of Lost in New York , you will be even more interesting, with a very famous “stranger”: Donald Trump. 

The current US President appeared for a few seconds in the film as the owner of Trump Tower in New York to show Macaulay Culkin the way.

Even when the family returned after the experience of separation, the meeting was broken with a hug from his mother, and Kevin immediately continued to return to reality as the mockery and ridicule took place.

– Yesterday I went shopping by myself – he boasted to his mother about his “maturity” during the time they were apart.

– Are you going shopping?

– Yes, I bought milk, eggs and detergent. 

– Huh, what?

Then a series of laughing voices came from around:

– Are you kidding? What a clever jokester. Tell me what else to do while the family is away…

– Wander around everywhere!

– Going shopping? He doesn’t even know how to tie his shoe laces…

At this point, Kevin is probably still “at home alone”. The real loneliness began for him when his parents, siblings, and siblings returned. 

Maybe they have to be away so Kevin can live the normal life of someone looking for love and sharing?

The strangers he meets also share the same fate of rejection. The old man “Snow Shovel Killer” was separated from his son’s life, and the wandering bird-loving woman also had a broken heart. 

Kevin entered their lives with his simple but sincere support.

B526. Home alone 2 - Ở Nhà Một Mình 2 2D 25G (DTS-HD 5.1) - Phim Blu-ray -  Tình Cảm - Hài - Family - Blu-ray Online

Tie it up in cinema so that the audience must finally see the magic in a Christmas story.

 It is believed that Kevin himself is a true miracle with a pure soul and an open heart for those who need help, even if it is just a word of comfort or a compassionate look.

 At the end of part two, Kevin left his family who were busy opening Christmas gifts. He went to the park to congratulate the homeless woman and gave her a dove-shaped item as a sign of friendship.

The message from a Christmas movie seems to tell viewers: look around, are any of your loved ones “alone”, rejected, condemned, or isolated within their own family?

Am I like Kevin? Don’t continue to be angry with them, but give everyone the opportunity to love each other, not just during this season of peace. 

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