In a candid interview, Keanu Reeves confirmed he’s a lonely guy and doesn’t have anyone in his life. As a result, the internet’s heart is breaking.
Keanu Reeves, AKA Neo, AKA Ted Theodore Logan, AKA the love of the internet’s life, admitted what a lot of us have known but didn’t want to face for a very, very long time: he’s lonely.
The term “good guy” gets thrown around a lot, but it’s actually a well-deserved moniker for Keanu. From buying preschools and donating them to children, giving up his seat on subway cars, and going on road trips with strangers who are stranded at airports, the man has achieved almost a mythical status.
He’s almost always traveling alone, but has never seemed to let his “loner” status prevent him from extending a hand to others.
It seems like everyone knows someone who’s had a positive-Keanu interaction. When Octavia Spencer first moved to Hollywood and her car broke down on the way to an audition, the only person to stop and help her push her bird-poop-covered car was Keanu.
Heck, even I have my own awesome Keanu story. I was an extra in the first John Wick, and the actor took time from rehearsing between scenes to talk with me about motorcycles and the gun training he did for the film, along with asking me about my own career aspirations for a solid fifteen minutes. Then he proceeded to vigorously rehearse the action sequences of the awesome bathhouse scene in between takes.
To say I was inspired would be one of the biggest understatements of my life.
Although everyone loves him and the 54-year-old actor is as generous with his emotions as he is with his time, it seems he doesn’t have anyone to consistently share that with, according to this recent interview with The Jakarta Post. In it, he got very candid about the kind of man he tries to be on a daily basis, and called himself, “the lonely guy.”
Here are some blurbs from the interview:
When asked about the character of Neo, Keanu discussed what qualities about the character he admired most.
JP: Obviously, The Matrix means a lot to you. How much like Neo are you?
KR: He’s a better man than me but I try to live up to his values.
JP: Which of his qualities do you particularly admire?
KR: He was a beautiful man to play. I thought his love for Trinity was so pure. I really identified with it. Also, I loved his search for answers. He’s a strong positive, moral, and ethical man, doing the best he can.
It wasn’t until the interviewer asked Keanu about love that the actor dropped the L word.
JP: What does love mean to you?
KR: You mean romantic love? You know, I’m the lonely guy. I don’t have anyone in my life. But if it does occur, I would respect and love the other person; hopefully, it’ll happen for me.
JP: You describe yourself as a lonely guy. Are you content with that?
KR: I don’t concern myself with it that much. I’m an actor, so in terms of what you’re asking about, I have no answer.
Keanu went on to say that he lives a pretty “boring” lifestyle and is used to all of the paparazzi nonsense he’s undoubtedly been dealing with for the majority of his life.
JP: You live in West Hollywood. Do people there respect your privacy? Can you walk around unnoticed?
KR: My days are pretty normal. Of course, there are the tourist vans, they visit everybody’s homes. I come out in the morning and get my newspaper, and you’ll see them.
Sometimes you feel like an animal in a cage. But in Los Angeles, no one cares.
There’s definitely paparazzi chasing after you, but I don’t go out much, I don’t really do anything. I’m pretty boring.
After fans read about Keanu “not having anyone” in his life, they rushed to let the world know he’s an absolute treasure.
People also identified with him, saying that they too are waiting for that person who sparks those feelings of love and adoration on a daily basis.
Keanu’s comments are even more heartbreaking when you consider the tragedies the young actor endured early on in his life and how much of a romantic he is.
He met his past girlfriend, Jennifer Syme, in 1998, and the two instantly fell in love. Syme became pregnant and the two were expecting a child together. However, their baby, Ava, was born stillborn at 8 months. This caused a strain in their relationship and they broke up shortly after.
Then, in 2001, when Syme was driving to a party at Marilyn Manson’s house, she was in a car accident that took her life at only 28 years of age.
Reeves also lost his best friend, actor River Phoenix, when both actors were just 23 years old. River died of a drug overdose outside the Viper Room in Los Angeles.
Long before that, Keanu’s father, Samuel Nowlin Reeves Jr., walked out on him and his mother, Patricia Taylor when Keanu was just 3 years old, and Keanu’s sister, Kim Reeves, battled with leukemia for ten years. During that time, he was Kim’s primary caretaker.
While Keanu has intimated that past tragedies made him wary of entering into relationships, it does seem like now he’s opening himself up to the possibility of having a family of his own.
If there’s one celebrity I could think up of off the top of my head who’d make an amazing husband and father, it’s definitely Keanu. How can you not love this man?