Even being the most amazing A-list star in Hollywood, that still doesn’t bring Keanu Reeves a happy life.

Keanu Reeves was born in 1964 in Canada, he is a Hollywood actor, famous for blockbuster series such as “The Matrix”, “Speed”, “Constantine”… He is an A-list star with an income of hundreds of millions of dollars, but Keanu Reeves is one of the rare people who chooses a simple lifestyle, without luxury houses or cars.

The kindest star on the planet Keanu Reeves and his sayings give the public a different perspective on life - Photo 1.

Since his daughter died right after birth, and then his sister was diagnosed with leukemia, Keanu Reeves has had an extremely difficult life.

Also starting from that time, the “Matrix” actor had a different view on life, Keanu Reeves often took the subway, hid his name when organizing charity events… Besides, Keanu Reeves There are also many sayings that make us look at life differently.

The kindest star on the planet Keanu Reeves and his sayings give the public a different perspective on life - Photo 2.

“Every struggle in early life has shaped the person you are today. Be grateful for the difficult times, because they only make you stronger.

I think, there must be some interactions in your lives and life comes from that.

From your 20s to your 50s, your view of death will be very different.

Very surprising, right? Knowing that the future is only in your hands.

There is no guarantee for tomorrow, so live well today.

The kindest star on the planet Keanu Reeves and his sayings give the public a different perspective on life - Photo 3.

Art is about trying to find the good in people and making the world a more compassionate place.

You have to change your life if you feel unhappy and wake up if you realize that things are not going in the direction you want.

Sometimes the enemy is the best teacher for us, everyone can learn from mistakes, failure sometimes means rebirth.

Grief can come from many things but it never ends.

Sometimes things that seem simple are actually very difficult to achieve.

The kindest star on the planet Keanu Reeves and his sayings give the public a different perspective on life - Photo 4.

I think we can all agree that facing tragedy can help a brilliant person grow. No matter what happens, you can definitely get through it! Life is like that.

Try making mistakes from time to time, it will help you.

None of us can live forever. So stop being mean to yourself. Eat delicious food, walk in the sunshine or enjoy the smell of the sea

If you have been extremely unhappy but still have the courage to be kind to other lives, then you are a mortal with the heart of an angel.

Handwritten letters are a completely different thing from writing emails.

The kindest star on the planet Keanu Reeves and his sayings give the public a different perspective on life - Photo 5.

I was raised exactly the way I treat people now. That’s called respect.

Dreams can teach us, guide us, or confuse us, sometimes I think dreams need to be reconsidered.

Dreams are opportunities and I think dreams can definitely come true if we focus and try, whether it’s finding someone.

When I feel uncomfortable and maybe can’t do what I want, I just react. I go against it.

I will always love with love.

The only person stopping me from being happy is myself.

The kindest star on the planet Keanu Reeves and his sayings give the public a different perspective on life - Photo 6.

Sometimes we get so caught up in everyday life that we forget to take time to enjoy the beauty of life.

I think living without love, not experiencing or not being able to give love is quite a severe punishment.

Simply showing interest can go a long way.

It’s fun when you can love without expecting anything. It looks dangerous but it’s really fun.

The kindest star on the planet Keanu Reeves and his sayings give the public a different perspective on life - Photo 7.

If you can make a woman laugh, you are seeing the most beautiful thing in God’s land.

Being in love and having a relationship are two completely different things.

In the quiet, I realized a few things.

I used to cry when I saw something beautiful, I used to cry because it was so painful, and there were also times I cried when I couldn’t feel anything anymore.

I can’t help it because after all, I’m just a mortal . “

The kindest star on the planet Keanu Reeves and his sayings give the public a different perspective on life - Photo 8.

The Matrix star’s positive lifestyle and unyielding energy make the public admire her.

Keanu deducted 80 million USD from the 114 million USD salary for filming “Matrix 2” to divide equally among the post-production staff in the film crew.

In addition, he also gave a Christmas gift worth 20,000 USD to the family of an employee in difficult circumstances.