Terrified bandit seems ready to wet himself after hearing “the kid” has returned in new video from “Home Alone” co-star Daniel Stern.

It seems that at least one of the infamous Wet Bandits is, in fact, thirsty for more.
Last week, former child actor Macaulay Culkin returned to the role that made him world-famous in a subversive internet video which cast the now-grown Kevin McCallister as a maladjusted ride service driver/sadist.
This week, his “Home Alone” co-star Daniel Stern got in on the fun, reviving his part as Marv–one of the burglars who fell victim to the extremist counter-security tactics of an 8 year-old–with a funny video of his own.
On Christmas Eve, Stern opted to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the slapstick seasonal classic with the film’s fans.
The actor hosted a Reddit AMA, but his real gift was posting a short video in which the erstwhile Wet/Sticky Bandit sends his old partner a panicked message after having watched “Just Me In The House By Myself” and discovering that the small child who caused the pair such cartoonish degrees of pain on two separate occasions is still out there, waiting to torment them for their criminality once more.
“The kid is back! I saw it… I saw it on the Internet!” Marv Merchant desperately whimpers in a recording “intended” for Harry Lime, the gold-toothed robber Joe Pesci played in the 1990 and 1992 movies.
The video, titled “Home Alone Wet Bandit Resurfaces and Responds to Kevin MacCalister’s Threatening Video,” has nearly 1.5 million online views, between YouTube and Facebook, with no signs of giving up.
Did Culkin break the seal on actors revisiting their “Home Alone” parts? Could Catherine O’Hara dust off her role as 1990-92’s Negligent Mom of the Year for the next viral vid?
Or maybe it’s fellow Wet Bandit Harry’s turn to respond. You figure Joe Pesci’s a natural at amusing folks. for all you hear about him being funny, like a clown.
Or maybe Stern’s holiday treat made its point. After all, viewers were certainly reminded of the ultimate “Home Alone” rule–expect the MacCalister kid to have the last laugh.